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Demu  Amulet  2+2  + 7 Taoism Wuji Talisman 地母娘娘 護身符2+2 +無極淨符7張

These talismans are offered by ​Tenmu Temple 台中天母宮地母廟

The God is Demu Mother Lord of the Earth 無極虛空地母娘娘


Amulets can bring good luck to the owner or protect the owner from bad luck and evils. Different races have different amulet beliefs according to their own culture. The amulet of Taoism is made from major talisman of different temples. Amulets have different purposes, but our website only sells safety amulets for safety purpose from five major representative temples in Taiwan.

The amulet obtained from the temple is a kind of sacred object that symbolizes the Gods in the temple, and also has the ability to deter evil spirits. If the believer is in crisis, the temple God will sense it through the safety amulet and protect the believer with the amulet. 


Wuji Exorcism Talisman (Infinity Talisman) is commonly practiced ritual in the Taoism religion, as a good luck sacred, to ward off bad luck, protect you from misfortune influences of evil spirits.

In addition to the similar effect of Guanyin talisman, Wuji talisman is often used to as an intensified blessing of its Deity to protect and exorcise of the victim. The Wuji talisman is intended to repel the negative energy, deflect evil influences, and turn away harm; and more specifically, restore the souls (三魂七魄 , Three souls and Seven vigors) of the victim to improve the mental and bodily health, and the good luck.


Our talismans are offered by the most representative temples in Taiwan with the consent of the gods. and blessed by the Gods of each temple. The talismans of each temple have the same divine power. All our net income from selling talisman will donate to the temple for palace maintenance or charitable purposes.




道教無極淨符的使用方法除了和觀音淨符一 樣:懸掛、攜帶、淨符水「陰陽水」,功效一樣。此外還常用於呼請相關神明,敕身信徒驅趕附於信徒身上的邪靈讓信徒回復健全的三魂七魄改善心靈和身體的健康,運途順遂。

我們的護身符咒是由台灣最具代表性的廟宇經神明同意後取得. 並由各廟宇過火及眾神加持,各宮廟的符咒都有神效。我們銷售護身符及符咒的盈餘將絕大部分用來回饋維護廟宇及作慈善公益用。

Demu Amulet 2+2 + 7 Taoism Wuji Talisman 地母娘娘 護身符2+2 +無極淨符7張

PriceFrom $18.40

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