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​Lungshan Temple     台北艋舺龍山寺

Bodhisattva Guan Yin     觀世音菩薩

In folk beliefs, Bodhisattva Guan Yin is often honored as Guanyin Buddha, Guanyin Dashi, Guanyin Empress, Guanyin Mother, and Baiyi Dashi. In Esoteric Buddhism, he is the Venerable Lotus, and in Pure Land Buddhism, he is the Great Bodhisattva of the Western Pure Land, and Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva is the Bodhisattva on the left and right of Amitabha Buddha. Sakyamuni Buddha's left and right guard Bodhisattvas, and they are also called "Three Sages of Saha", and he is also one of the four great Bodhisattvas. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is one of the most famous Bodhisattvas in Buddhism. He is merciful, sympathetic to all living beings, hears the sound to save suffering, and has countless incarnations to relieve suffering and rescue. 在民間信仰中常被尊稱觀音佛祖、觀音大士、觀音娘娘觀音媽白衣大士。在密教中,祂為蓮華部尊,在淨土宗則是西方淨土的大菩薩,與大勢至菩薩分別為阿彌陀佛的左、右脅侍菩薩,並稱「西方三聖」,與地藏王菩薩分別為釋迦牟尼佛的左、右脅侍菩薩,並稱「娑婆三聖」,同時祂也是四大菩薩之一。觀世音菩薩是佛教最著名的菩薩之一,祂大慈大悲、悲憫眾生、聞聲救苦,化身無數解苦救難。

LongSan Temple

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